Preparing for the Big Move

No one actually likes the process of moving. It tends to take over family life for a season and can be stressful. Here are some helpful considerations for you and your family to best prepare for the big moving day:
1. You Probably Have Way Too Much Stuff
Chances are you don’t need five cooking pans or a public library’s worth of children’s books. A great way to save your precious space, money and time while moving is to purge. Consider putting on a yard sale, and give away your excess clothes and belongings to local charities. To lighten the load and improve sales consider asking your current neighbors if they would like to choose a day for a multi-family yard sale. Not only will it attract more potential customers, but it can also make the work more fun. You will be thankful you did when it comes to moving day.
2. Amenities
Make a list of amenities that you will be loosing or gaining. How far is your new place going to be from public transportation, shopping, restaurants, nightlife and your place of work? Is your new place going to make your day-to-day lifestyle more or less convenient? Are you going to be close to quality schools for your children to attend? If you have kids incorporate them into this discussion so they understand the changes before they happen. They may be used to one particular park and they might like to help you find a new park as a part of the adventure.
3. Do You Have A Mover?
You need a mover, and you need a good one. Do your shopping and find the best mover in the area before trying to lift everything yourself. There is nothing worse than throwing out your back before even starting to unpack. Movers will get your stuff to your new place fast and safely. Hiring professionals can also give your friends the opportunity to help welcome you to your new home with small projects instead of the heavy lifting.
4. Are You Prepared?
Make a checklist of moving duties as far in advance to the move as possible. Moving is already stressful, but by being proactive you will prevent most roadblocks that may come your way. Plan ahead to change your mailing address, book transportation and moving trucks, and notify friends, schools, doctors, family and employers of your move. Consider sending your new contact out via text as everyone will have it readily available should they have any questions.
5. Boxes
No one likes to purchase boxes especially for a short move. Send a text out letting people know you would like them to save a few and to let you know when you can pick them up. Don’t forget to ask local restaurants and warehouses if they have boxes to spare.